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Author: dnaprocleaning

Why Clean Carpets Matter

Carpet cleaning is one of the most overlooked cleaning solutions in homes because people get a false sense of cleanliness after they have vacuumed. If you have pets, then you know how pet hair seems to accumulate in the fibers of your carpet, especially in the corners of the room.

Pet hair has its own set of allergens, mites, and sometimes fleas. Fleas leave behind waste that gets ground into your carpet and without adequate cleaning, it lives there.

Regular cleaning of carpets has other benefits too. It keeps your carpet looking cleaner, extends its life, and improves airflow throughout the home.

How Dirty Carpets Impact Your Health

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Your carpets are at the bottom end of gravity. Everything falls on them. Dust mites, pet hair, particle pollution, lead, mold spores, pesticides, dirt, and dust dig deep into carpets. That’s just what settles into your carpet from inside the home. Add the outside dirt and allergens along with anything else you’ve stepped in, and that carpet becomes a health hazard.

The most at risk are people with severe allergies and children. Children are not only closer to the ground, but they spend time playing on the floor. Babies learn to crawl and explore their world by putting everything in their mouths, which includes whatever grime is in the carpet.

Regular vacuuming is good for the surface area of your carpet, but what about the ground-in dirt that gets into the fibers? The more dirt, the more bacteria begins to grow.

Most households can make do with annual carpet cleaning, but homes with lots of traffic and small children should try to clean the carpets every 6-9 month and every 3-4 months with children and pets.

Choosing the Right Carpet Cleaning Company

Search the internet for cleaning carpet companies and you’ll get dozens upon dozens of results. How do you choose? Aren’t they all the same anyway? Not even close.

The very last thing you should look at when comparing companies is the price. You can find some inexpensive options, but you will get poor results. Amateur carpet cleaners often don’t know the equipment and don’t have the same knowledge and experience as a trained technician.

Here are a few things to look for:

  • Eco-friendly – using only safe, non-toxic carpet solutions.
  • llCRC and CRI standards – The Institution of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification and the Carpet and Rug Institute, teaches the science of carpet cleaning to professional providers. There is a scientific method for optimal results.
  • Positive Reviews – Check Google, Angie’s List, Yelp, and other local listings for reviews about the company you are thinking about choosing. Talk to people you know who have used them. If something seems off about the service, they will be sure to tell you.

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Cleaning your carpets isn’t really a DIY job unless you were trained by someone who knows how to do it properly. Your health can be so greatly impacted by a dirty carpet that the American Lung Association has a section on their website discussing how your carpet can have a negative impact on health.

And remember, carpets inside of businesses get dirty too. Those carpets need to be cleaned as frequently if not more so than households due to the higher traffic volume.

Pick a day every year that you can plan to have your carpets cleaned. It will extend the life of the carpet, keep your home smelling fresh, and give you better health.

If you are looking for the best in the business, why not give us a call? Our trained technicians are ready for you. Call us today at (703) 520-5060


Preventing Water Damage In Your Home

Water can enter your house from almost anywhere or it can already be inside your house in the pipes that run to your sink and toilet. It doesn’t matter the source, what is important is the damage it causes.

Water inside the house can be damaging and expensive. It can rot, rust, erode, and mold different surface types like wood, pipes, and carpet.Image From Ios 21

Once water gets into the carpet, it will begin to smell and compromise the look of your floor. Drying the carpet won’t help because the pad beneath it will stay damp for a long period of time. A professional cleaning will be required to remove the smell.

Water in, or on the walls, can leave big watermarks and start to weaken the wall. Metal and water cause rust which also leaves marks, and water can erode electrical wires, which can start fires.


The first stop from cloud to ground will obviously be the tallest point. Your roof can be a key point in preventing water from entering the home. If even one tile is missing, it gives the water a chance to make its way in.

Safely checking your roof before the rainy season is important as roof leaks can develop for many reasons such as wind and storm damage, improper installation, and lack of maintenance. You should also check for missing roof tiles, cracks/damage on the sheet metal, and if you have shingles, check those as well. Fixing any holes or cracks would be your first step. After that, take a look around and notice any spots that look weak or damaged, and arrange to have them repaired. Word Image 1 1

Leaky roofs are a problem for the entire household as they can pose health and safety risks. Constant water leakage will work it’s way from the attic to the foundation, causing expensive damage.


The purpose of a gutter is to help catch the rainfall and ensure it stays away from the roof and foundation of your home. I’m sure you’ve heard of cleaning your gutters before a big rainstorm, but what about cracks or damage? Noticing little granules in your gutters could mean your roof’s coating needs to be resealed.

Clean out any leaves or debris in your gutters to give the water a clear path to the downpipe. It is also a good idea to check out that downpipe and make sure that there isn’t anything such as dead animals, nests, or gunk blocking the path down.

Check the Inside

Checking the inside of your house can be just as important as checking the outside. Look at your ceiling for any signs of water damage or cracks already visible. You will want to notice water damage before the rain starts, so that you can take appropriate measures to repair the damage, and keep it from getting worse.

Doors and Windows

Don’t forget to go around the house checking the windows. Windows tend to leak when the seals get weak and often go unnoticed until the damage is extensive. You can check your windows by having someone spray water against them while another person checks for water on the inside. Word Image 2

Doors and windows have seals on them for the purpose of keeping water on the outside, and not letting it in. Check the seals on your doors to make sure that they are intact and working properly. This will help identify any weak or missing seals.

Clear Branches

Nature can also bring its own drain plug that clogs up drains. Water backs up and has nowhere to go but inside your home. Check your drains to make sure they are not covered with dirt and leaves.

Any trees that you have with dead branches on them could cause an extreme amount of damage in a storm. They can fly through windows, damage cars, and/or cause a huge hole in your roof! Cutting them down before the rainy season starts is the best way to avoid the destructive path of an angry tree arm.

Make sure your roof, walls, ceiling, gutters, and trees are taken care of before this rainy season starts. Even having your basement filled with sandbags to avoid flooding can be a smart idea. No one wants to deal with a huge leak in the middle of a storm! Using these tips to help prepare your house for this rainy season can save you time and money in the long run.


Professional Carpet Cleaning and Your Health – Why Clean Carpets Matter

Carpet cleaning is one of the most overlooked cleaning solutions in homes because people get a false sense of cleanliness after they have vacuumed. If you have pets, then you know how pet hair seems to accumulate in the fibers of your carpet, especially in the corners of the room.

Pet hair has its own set of allergens, mites, and sometimes fleas. Fleas leave behind waste that gets ground into your carpet and without adequate cleaning, it lives there.

Regular cleaning of carpets has other benefits too. It keeps your carpet looking cleaner, extends its life, and improves airflow throughout the home.

How Dirty Carpets Impact Your Health

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Your carpets are at the bottom end of gravity. Everything falls on them. Dust mites, pet hair, particle pollution, lead, mold spores, pesticides, dirt and dust, dig deep into carpets. That’s just what settles into your carpet from inside the home. Add the outside dirt and allergens along with anything else you’ve stepped in, and that carpet becomes a health hazard.

Most at risk are people with severe allergies and children. Children are not only closer to the ground, but they spend time playing on the floor. Babies learn to crawl and explore their world by putting everything in their mouths, which includes whatever grime is in the carpet.

Regular vacuuming is good for the surface area of your carpet, but what about the ground-in dirt that gets into the fibers? The more dirt, the more bacteria begins to grow.

Most households can make do with annual carpet cleaning, but homes with lots of traffic and small children should try to clean the carpets every 6-9 month and every 3-4 months with children and pets.

Choosing the Right Carpet Cleaning Company

Search the internet for cleaning carpet companies and you’ll get dozens upon dozens of results. How do you choose? Aren’t they all the same anyway? Not even close.

The very last thing you should look at when comparing companies is the price. You can find some inexpensive options, but you will get poor results. Amateur carpet cleaners often don’t know the equipment and don’t have the same knowledge and experience as a trained technician.

Here are a few things to look for:

  • Eco-friendly – using only safe, non-toxic carpet solutions.
  • llCRC and CRI standards – The Institution of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification and the Carpet and Rug Institute, teaches the science of carpet cleaning to professional providers. There is a scientific method for optimal results.
  • Positive Reviews – Check Yelp and other local listings for reviews about the company you are thinking about choosing. Talk to people you know who have used them. If something seems off about the service, they will be sure to tell you.Word Image 1

Cleaning your carpets isn’t really a DIY job unless you were trained by someone who knows how to do it properly. Your health can be so greatly impacted by dirty carpet that the American Lung Association has a small section on their website discussing how carpet can have a negative impact on health.

And remember, carpets inside of businesses get dirty too. Those carpets need to be cleaned as frequently if not more so than households due to the higher traffic volume.

Pick a day every year that you can plan to have your carpets cleaned. It will extend the life of the carpet, keep your home smelling fresh, and give you better health.

If you are looking for the best in the business, why not give us a call? Our trained technicians are ready for you.

Visit us now at

What Mold Can Do To Your Home

Water Damage Cleanup Alexandria Va

Water damage is akin to a sickness your house may experience, and one of its most apparent and main symptoms is mold. We will preface this post with this simple piece of information: mold is really bad for your house. Knowing that one thing ought to be more than sufficient reason to show caution when it comes to mold.

If you need mold remediation services, call DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration at (703) 520-5060.

Mold Spreads Like Wildfire

Mold grows from areas that are exposed to high moisture and humidity levels. While mold normally grows in some areas of the home without or with water damage involved, it usually spreads and grows colonies like wildfire when inside a house that is exposed to water damage. Mold may grow anywhere from appliances, wood furniture, to the very foundation of your house.

The majority of us may clean mold infestations in tiny amounts, yet when water damage is left untreated, mold usually spreads into massive colonies in a matter of one or two days. When an infestation in your house seems larger than normal, it’ll be time to contact mold remediation services or water damage restoration services to clear the infestation properly. Do not even attempt to clean it on your own, read further to figure out why.

Mold Triggers Allergies

Massive mold colonies, when handled incorrectly, have the ability to spread airborne spores which may trigger uncomfortable sensitivities and allergies. Children, the elderly, and pets are most susceptible to sensitivity in terms of mold spore inhalation. If any area of your house is presently impacted by water damage, and lots of the folks have colds, mold allergies are the most likely culprit. In order to avoid getting even more folks sick, contact a water damage restoration provider to handle high moisture levels in your house.

Mold Damages Furniture

Mold colonies will probably ruin furniture when they have the ability to aggressively infest something to the point where it may no longer be restored. During that point, you’ll have no other option but to toss those infected materials away. But, try to contact a mold remediation provider to see if they still can save the item before tossing it out.

Keep mold out of your homes, call DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration (703) 520-5060 to schedule your water damage cleanup.

3 Top Causes of Residential Water Damage


Around 40 percent of all homeowners have suffered a loss from water damage. It may damage your wood, ruin your paint, and spread contamination. Here’s the good news: 93 percent of all water damage might’ve been prevented with the proper knowledge. How is it possible to protect your house from residential water damage? Below, DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration lists three ways you can prepare.

Damaged Pipes

Plumbing systems, particularly in older houses, are prone to damage and stoppages. In order to prevent plumbing issues before they begin, watch for bulges, cracks, stains and additional indications of moisture on your floors or ceiling. If you see a leak, it might be an indication that there’s damage in other spaces, too. Spikes in the water bill might mean you have extra damage to your foundation, flooring, and landscaping. Watch for pipes in spaces susceptible to collecting water, like attics, cabinets, and crawl spaces.


As appliances age, their pipes may rust and hoses might weaken. One good way to prevent build-up in the dishwasher includes running 1 qt. of vinegar through the appliance every month. You also can rinse and scrape before loading it.

A washer valve shutoff kit will prevent the 6 gallons of water a minute from flooding inside your house.

Fridges generate lots of access water which may pool on the bottom of them. In addition, drain lines may become clogged. If there’s a leak in your water supply line which feeds the ice machine, you might come home to lots of standing water. In order to prevent your fridge from flooding, make certain that it’s well insulated. Be certain that you don’t move it in and out of its regular position too frequently, and regularly check it for leaks.

Clogged Drains

Sink and bathroom drains may become rapidly clogged with grease, dirt, hair and additional substances. Pipes may break down; structural damage is common. If clogs in the drain aren’t cleared, problems like sickness, disease, and aggravated health conditions might occur. If neglected, clogged drains will cause damage to additional areas in the house. Pouring boiling water down the drain one time per month may help dissolve soap scum, grease, and additional debris before it clogs the pipes.

Need water damage cleanup and restoration service to keep your home or office fresh? Call (703) 520 5060 to schedule your appointment.

4 Actions Your Business Can Take to Avoid The Spread of Germs

During this time of year germs and viruses are easily spread. Here is a list of 4 actions businesses might take to help their employees and themselves to slow down the spread of germs. If you have any questions about our floor cleaning processes or would like to schedule an appointment call us today.

Dna Pro Clean Fleet

1) Battle misinformation by informing your team of the procedures, risks, and symptoms from a central voice. Keeping on top of advice and news from the CDC, the World Health Organization, and trustworthy sources is crucial. Recommend that individuals carefully choose their information sources and suggest that they not share unsanctioned details on social networks. One voice is important while dealing with issues such as disease spread.

2) Battle the spread. Wherever possible, boost remote work and quarantine the ones at risk. Be certain that you have a plan that keeps folks checking in, as well as friendly reminders about traveling and going to high-risk activities such as international conventions and events and mass sports events. Increasing usage of tongs, reducing open candy jars and ensuring that sneeze guards are over food also helps slow the spread. 

3) Implement/introduce high-level travel procedures. Whether that means no travel or different planes that minimize risk to business continuity, companies must think ‘big red bus theory’ when it concerns infectious diseases. Updating procedures and contact numbers also should be the main priority. Updating security upon devices that are being taken offsite also is a great policy to review and implement right away.

4) Assess pandemic policies – most never will have even been looked at. Multiple clauses and technology likely will have to be updated and likely implemented. From anti-bacterial gels and masks to hand-washing stations, present and introduce the proper information in the correct manner and you will add calm, not fuel more dread.

DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration offers Commercial Carpet and Floor Cleaning Services. Keep your facilities clean today by giving us a call at 703-520-5060.

3 Reasons Why Floor Care Is Important

It is normal if you want to keep your flooring looking great; however, is it really required to invest in an expert floor care provider? It is, yes, and below we list 3 top reasons why:

Shiny, clean flooring is the expectation, and not the exception

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Flooring sets the mood for your patrons right when they enter. A shiny and clean foundation gives them a feeling of comfort-ability and develops a sense of trust in your business whereby neglected flooring makes them wonder what the remainder of it is going to appear like—assuming they are willing to move ahead. DNA Pro Clean pride ourselves in floor care needs of all kinds for your home and business call us today to schedule an appointment.

If your facility is new, you likely will get compliments on the floor. However, unless you invest in expert commercial floor maintenance, it will not always remain that way.

Your floors’ condition represents your company’s level of cleanliness, attention to detail, as well as professionalism. Put plainly, when was the last time you wanted to return to a filthy facility? I’m sure the answer is never.

Safety is a high priority

Even though the look of your flooring is crucial, the subject of safety takes priority. Flooring that has been incorrectly tended to or word down, poses a severe risk to anyone entering your business. Slippery floors and cracked surfaces are some of the main reasons for workplace injuries. Depending upon the surface, regular sweeping will not do a lot to prevent slips. Sweeping doesn’t do anything as far as creating a surface that is resistant to slips. The small dust particles being swept around act like sandpaper–gradually breaking down the friction required to maintain correct footing. Accidents occur; however, if it is preventable, why should you take the risk? Entrusting a high-quality floor maintenance crew is essential if you want to decrease your hazards and restrict your liability.

Concern yourself with your business, and not your floors

Floors are expensive. Taking correct care of your company’s floors undoubtedly will save your facility money in the long-term. However, as a facility director or business owner, you already have a ton on your plate. Handling insurance liability, safety issues, handling chemicals, evaluating floors and knowing the composition of various surface materials easily can become overwhelming–and it probably isn’t in your job description.

For more information on how DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration can benefit your facility, call us at (703) 520-5060.

What to Do the First 48 Hours After Experiencing Water Damage in the Basement


You have experienced a flood inside the basement. What measures should you take in order to avoid severe damages while waiting for the pros to arrive on the scene? The first 48 hours are critical. Let’s cover what to do the first 48 hours after experiencing water damage in the basement:

Turn Off Electricity and Gas

Before getting close to the water, turn off your natural gas and electricity. Avoid entering a flooded space until the gas and electricity have been disconnected and/or turned off.

Call the Restoration Professionals and Insurance Company

Figure out if your insurance policy covers any damages. There is a broad array of differences in policies; however, the majority of companies require that you invest in a special insurance that covers flooding. However, sometimes damages from the plumbing system or leaky water heater might be covered. Contact the insurance company to receive accurate information and inform them that you have plans to contact DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration for all water remediation needs.

Quickly Remove Water

Start removing as much water as possible, as rapidly as you can. It’s possible to use a wet-dry vacuum, sponges, towels, mops, and buckets. It is a great idea to open doors and windows, so water moves throughout the basement, and carries out moisture-filled air.

Move Valuables to a Dry Area

With drying underway, the following measure includes removing your valuables to a dry place. Be aware that when furnishings absorb water, they’ll become heavy. Take care to safely transport sofas, appliances, carpeting, and other valuables from your basement. Move them to a well-ventilated, dry space.

Discard Damaged Valuables

Some of your valuables, unfortunately, might not be salvageable. If you have taken action within 48 hours of the flood, there is an opportunity to save organic or porous items. But you must have those items thoroughly dry before the 48 hours passes. Be careful with the following items, according to the Environmental Protection Agency:

  • Wood
  • Upholstered furnishings
  • Paper
  • Fiberglass insulation
  • Fabrics
  • Drywall
  • Carpeting

If those items are not completely dried, mold might develop inside the valuables and cause more problems down the road.

Why Is It Important to Get Carpet Cleaning After Office Holiday Party?


Holiday office parties are an excellent time for teams to build camaraderie and bond with each other after years of working together. As you invite the family of employees and clients to your place of business, the office celebration then becomes a showcase for your company.

Here’s how office cleaning and additional measures will permit your business to present its best image during this year’s holiday bash.

Cleaner Workplace This Holiday

Celebrating the completion of a year of success usually is fun for management and co-workers, yet you also have an opportunity to make your business appear impressive to partners and clients who’ll join you. An office deep cleaning makes everything from table surfaces and cubicles sparkle while making your workplace a more hygienic space for staff members to work. Carpet cleaning and air duct cleaning take the job to the next level as you’re attempting to show off your business and build a sense of pride among staff members.

Commercial carpet cleaning takes away the traffic lanes you see in your workplace rugs. Grime and other carpet debris are what causes the noticeable lanes. Traditional steam cleaning might appear to temporarily repair this problem, yet the residues from cleaning chemicals and shampoos linger inside the rugs, trapping grime, as well as causing traffic lanes to re-appear. Your business deserves a better value and more efficient treatment from commercial carpet cleaning services.

Build Toward a Better 2020

Throwing a holiday bash conveys a message to clients and employees that you expect another successful year for 2020. Christmas office celebrations are moments to relax and laugh, yet they’re just as much about imagining what is to come. For workers, feeling proud to work for the business is good for productivity. Partners and clients joining the celebration likely will feel happy to join your business in the celebration and look forward to the following joint venture.

DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration will get your place of business looking fantastic this holiday, so get in touch with them today. Whether you’re having a huge bash or a small gathering for staff members, everyone is a winner with a no-residue, clean carpet solution.

Professional Tips and Tricks for Commercial Carpet Cleaning


Consistently cleaning your workplace carpets may impact time, health, and productivity. Employees in a sanitary and clean environment may concentrate on their activities without getting distracted by dirt and mess.

Need to preserve the bright appearance, color and lifespan of your workplace carpet? Trust only the experts of DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration. Call (703) 520-5060.

A presentable and clean workplace also is critical for visitors and business meetings. The first sight visitors see when they enter a new business building is the cleanliness, and a first impression is important.

No two business buildings are alike; therefore, it is difficult to use a “one-size-fits-all” technique for commercial carpet cleaning. DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration will provide several tips and tricks from our own professionals which will assist you in keeping your workplace carpeting looking as new as the day it was laid:

Vacuum on a Daily Basis: It’s our #1 trick for a reason. Vacuuming daily prevents grime from being stomped into the carpet the following morning. Every evening, after the employees have left for the night, your cleaning crew must vacuum every space of carpet. It’ll make it easier to do routine deep cleans and preserves your carpeting in the long-term.

Do Routine Deep Cleans: It may be performed every six months or so, depending upon how grimy the carpeting gets over time. It’ll require the help of an expert cleaning service which utilizes the right equipment. It’s possible to select either a steam carpet clean that uses a technique referred to as hot water removal to rid the carpets of dirt, or dry cleaning that utilizes various chemicals that extract all grime and dirt from the carpeting.

Immediately treat stains and spills: Do not leave grime and coffee stains to fester in carpet until the following deep clean. Train your janitors or staff about how to properly treat stains on the spot. Keep one jar of baking soda, vinegar, and ammonia available in the janitor’s closet and make sure it is used to clear all spills as soon as they happen.

Use the proper technique for every carpet: Some structures have different kinds of carpeting on each floor. It is vital to use the right cleaning technique to treat each carpet. At DNA Pro Cleaning & Restoration, we provide a broad array of options, which includes bonnet cleaning, shampoo cleaning, foam cleaning, and much more.